What Is A Forensic Neuropsychological Evaluation?
“An independent forensic neuropsychological examination, also referred to as an independent medical examination (IME), independent psychological examination, or compulsory examination in some jurisdictions, is performed by a neuropsychologist who is hired as an independent contractor by a third party, such as an insurance company, an attorney, or the court to make a determination regarding neuropsychological functioning. Referral questions in civil litigation often involve determination of the presence or absence of neurological and/or psychiatric disorders, causality related to a specific event or injury, prognosis, medical necessity of treatment, and/or disability status. In criminal litigation, the neuropsychological examination may be used to assist in determining competency to stand trial, issues of responsibility for the crime, or in sentencing/mitigation. The nature of the examination may range from a relatively brief clinical interview to a comprehensive examination that includes extensive psychological or neuropsychological test administration.”
-National Academy of Neuropsychology's Position Paper on Independent and Court-Ordered Forensic Neuropsychological Evaluations
Forensic Services

Dr. Rinehardt serves as an independent contractor providing neuropsychological assessments for insurance companies, workers' compensation claims, and attorneys (plaintiff and defense). He provides free consultations to determine suitability of referrals.
Appointments for forensic neuropsychological assessment can typically be scheduled within 1-3 weeks of referral and a signed contract agreement. Neuropsychological testing lasts from 4-8 hours. Reports or work products are written in a clear and concise manner which describes cognitive functioning and, if applicable, the most probable causes of cognitive impairment. They are available approximately 10 days after evaluation and can be expedited in certain circumstances.
Appointments for forensic neuropsychological assessment can typically be scheduled within 1-3 weeks of referral and a signed contract agreement. Neuropsychological testing lasts from 4-8 hours. Reports or work products are written in a clear and concise manner which describes cognitive functioning and, if applicable, the most probable causes of cognitive impairment. They are available approximately 10 days after evaluation and can be expedited in certain circumstances.
Common Questions Forensic Neuropsychological Evaluations Can Answer
Did an accident (e.g., motor vehicle accident, work injury, medical error, exposure to a toxin, etc.) cause cognitive dysfunction or brain damage (if applicable)?
Are cognitive symptoms (e.g., inattention, memory loss, word-finding problems, etc.) due to brain injury or other factors such as depression or anxiety?
Did the client or claimant put forth adequate effort during neuropsychological testing or was there evidence of poor motivation?
Is cognitive impairment permanent?
Can the client or claimant return to work from a cognitive perspective? If so, at what capacity? Will they need accommodations?
Are there treatments which can improve thinking ability?
Does my client have the cognitive capacity to make medical decisions? Do they need a guardian?
Are cognitive symptoms (e.g., inattention, memory loss, word-finding problems, etc.) due to brain injury or other factors such as depression or anxiety?
Did the client or claimant put forth adequate effort during neuropsychological testing or was there evidence of poor motivation?
Is cognitive impairment permanent?
Can the client or claimant return to work from a cognitive perspective? If so, at what capacity? Will they need accommodations?
Are there treatments which can improve thinking ability?
Does my client have the cognitive capacity to make medical decisions? Do they need a guardian?
Non-Forensic Services
- Academic Evaluations for Learning Disabilities (LD) and Attention-Defict/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
- Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Neuropsychological Evaluations (Coming Soon)